
Showing posts from January, 2018

Quick Update

Hello, everyone! It has been a while, hasn't it?  I hope your 2018 is going well.  Over here, things have been crazy to say the least.  Our entire household has been sick since right after Christmas.  One person starts to feel better, then before your know it someone else is sick and the cycle continues.  Horrible. It hasn't all been bad, however.  Exciting things are happening with Copperccino!  I just finished my first wholesale order, and will be delivering 18 coffee cup earrings to be sold in Salado, Texas exclusively at Oo La La Gifts !  I had no idea how much work goes into wholesale orders.  I have so much respect for artisans who deal exclusively in wholesale.  Good grief it wore me out!  I love it, though. I also have been experimenting with crochet jewelry.  I am totally digging the results, y'all.  It's never too early to prepare for the next season, and I'm telling you, spring will be full of gorgeous, fun, colorful crochet jewelry in my