How To: Macrame Hemp Bracelet

Macrame is the art of knotting cord or string in patterns to make decorative articles.

I'm sure some of you grew up making friendship bracelets as a child.  Those of you who didn't, you're in good company.  I never did either.
I would see macrame jewelry in shops and kiosks at the mall and I always wanted to learn how to make them.
Recently, I stumbled across a tutorial online and finally learned how to do it!  Today I will share with you my own tutorial so you can learn as well!

Items needed for this project:

Hemp cord
Wooden beads (optional, but preferable)
Tape (or something that can hold down the ends of the cords)
Glue (optional)

You will need to cut a total of 5 pieces of your hemp cord.  Two at 13 inches (these will be the "filler" cords).  Two at 21 inches (your knotting cords for main bracelet part).  And one at about 12 inches (for making the sliding adjustable closure).   These measurements are based on making a 7 inch bracelet.  Measure your wrist and make adjustments to the lengths of the cords accordingly.
Let's get started!

Main Body of Bracelet

Begin by taping down the ends of the two filler cords, leaving about 3 inches above the tape, and the ends of the the two main knotting cords on either side of the filler cords.

Take the left knotting cord and bring it over to the other side passing over the filler cords and under the right knotting cord.

Now, take the knotting right cord and pass it under the filler cords over to the left side and up through the loop made by the left knotting cord, resting on top of it.

Pull knotting cords tight.  Now, bring the right knotting cord across, over the filler cords and under the left knotting cord.

Take the right knotting cord that's over the left knotting cord, and bring it under the filler cords and up through the loop made by the right knotting cord.

Pull the knot tight.  Now is the time to decide how you want your bracelet to look.  If you continue making knots in the same direction, beginning with the same side each time, then you will end up with a spiral knot like this:

For the sake of this tutorial, however, we will continue on with a flat knot style.  To achieve the flat knot look, alternate right/left beginning cords each knot you make.

Make about 1.5 inches of knots, then begin adding your beads if you choose to include them.

Make your next knot around the bead.  Then knot two more under it and add your next bead.

Add two more beads and continue knotting using the same method, two knots in between each bead.  After your last bead is added, make 1.5 inches of knots to finish the main part of the bracelet.

Take what is left of the knotting cords on each end of the bracelet and tie them into double knots on the underside of the bracelet.  For added security you can dab a bit of glue on the double knots.

Trim the ends of the knotting cords and the main part of your bracelet is done!

Sliding Adjustable Closure

Take the two ends of the filler cord on the right and the two on the left and lay them side by side. Position your work so the filler cords are up and down when you look at it. Tape down the top of the cords.  Begin knotting, in the same way, down the four filler cords with your 12 inch cord.

Continue knotting for about 1 inch.  Double knot the remaining ends of your new knotting cord and dab a bit of glue on the knot.  Trim the loose ends.

Tie knots at the ends of each set of two filler cords.  There you have it! A beautiful, adjustable macrame bracelet made by you!

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Copperccino Crafts & Accessories 


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